A breath of art: the art exhibited in 20 Italian villages

If only a few months ago the city seemed to be the great attraction, while the countryside was less and less in the spotlight, the pandemic may have overturned this point of view. Massimiliano Fuksas, an Italian architect known all over the world, expressed his idea about the enhancement of small villages: “With an advanced system from the digital point of view, you can also think of going to reoccupy areas that are extraordinary. Repopulate countries where it is easier to live because there is a stronger sense of community”.  Even the architect Stefano Boeri believes in the “escape” from the city: “If we are to accept that there is at least a partial process of moving away from cities, we must design alternative trajectories and life experiences, an extraordinary opportunity in small towns and inland areas”.  Now there is an exhibition that seems born to seal this reversal of the trend.  The Elpis Foundation, created in 2020 by Marina Missin, in collaboration with Galleria Continua, has launched a project called A breath of art.
The initiative, which aims to create interrelations between culture, economy and territory, will inaugurate artistic installations in twenty villages located throughout Italy, on the weekend of 12 and 13 September.  The works on display, such as those of Marinella Senatore in Volterra, Clarissa Baldassarri in Castellano Lagusello or Giovanni Ozzola in San Pantaleo, will remain for a month, in order to stimulate tourism and attention to these jewels, all Italians.

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